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(12/12/2024) Team UTBots - Category SSL-EL, is 3rd place in Goiânia/GO at the Brazilian Robotis Competition - Competição Brasileira de Robótica Petrobrás/2024

(24/04/2024) BRAHUR/BRASERO 2024 is held in Curitiba/UTFPR from 25 to 27/04/2024

(24/10/2023) CAPIVARA3D awarded 3rd place in Latin American 2023 edition of Robocup

(24/11/2022) UtBots@Home awarded 3rd place in Latin American 2022 edition of Robocup

(09/11/2022) Participation of LASER in the 2022 Latin American and Brazilian Robotics Competition - LARC/CBR 2022 - earns two trophies to UTFPR

(14/12/2020) Participation of LASER in the 2020 Latin American and Brazilian Robotics Competition - LARC/CBR 2020!!!

(15/11/2019) Participation of LASER in the 2019 Latin American and Brazilian Robotics Competition - LARC/CBR 2019 - Rio Grande/RS!!!

(22/11/2018)Participation of LASER Teams in the 2018 Latin American and Brazilian Robotics Competition - LARC/CBR 2019 - João Pessoa/PB!!!

(15/11/2017)Students Participate in Latin American Robotics Competition - and Win!!!

(08/06/2017)Official Inauguration of the new Lab

(01/12/2016)Students Participate in Latin American Robotics Competition in Recife/PE!


3rd Place: Capivara3D (UTFPR+UFPR/PR) - Robocup Simulation 3D(2023)

3rd Place: UtBots@Home (UTFPR/PR) - Robocup@Home(2022)

3rd Place: Capivara3D (UTFPR+UFPR/PR) - Robocup Simulation 3D(2022)

3rd Place: Capivara3D (UTFPR+UFPR/PR) - Robocup Simulation 3D(2020)

3rd Place: Capivara3D (UTFPR+UFPR/PR) - Robocup Simulation 3D(2018)

3rd Place/LARC - RoboCup Simulation 3D(2017)

3rd Place/LARC - RoboCup Simulation 3D(2016)

3rd Place/LARC - RoboCup Simulation 3D(2015)

3rd Place/LARC - RoboCup Simulation 2D(2015)

3rd Place/LARC - RoboCup Simulation 3D(2014)

3rd Place/LARC - RoboCup@Home(2014)

3rd Place/LARC - RoboCup Simulation 2D(2012)

1st Place/CBR - RoboCup Simulation 2D(2011)


Tabela de conteúdos


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